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Best-selling Management author, Gareth Jones, offers a fresh approach in Introduction to Business 1/e by engaging students with illustrative examples and stories embedded within the text to encourage them to learn more about the concepts than any other paperback available.
Jones provides students with an integrated "big picture" of business, not a survey approach that skims the surface. While other texts in the paperback only survey the areas of business marketing, management, accounting and finance, Jones show students how these areas connect to each other and how they relate to the world in which we live.
Jones engages students through examples and stories which are integrated within the text, making them more accessible than if they were relegated to side boxes.
In every chapter, hands-on exercises and thought-provoking questions offer students the opportunity to actively think and engage in business issues and decision making.
Business in action boxes are included in the chapters and give real-world examples, but don’t disrupt the text will too much unnecessary detail.